Thursday, December 5, 2013

Leonardo's Response

In My World of Fast Learning

In my world,  things would be different from this world but unlike other minds, I think everyone has to be ruled by some rules, for example in my world, working hours such as 8 hours per week would not be required but the right should be to work only for two days and then we would take vacation of one month, once a year. 

This is because I believe that a world without rules, there is no society.  It ends with work and out of work. In a world without rules, people would live by themselves in solitude and loneliness. Or maybe there would be no survival. But I also have a few principles when people are off work, they would have to enjoy the most of their free time this way. In my world, only schools for two years. And after college for only one year. 

In my world, cities would be made into the sea because my planet would have only a few land areas and over water areas because the land areas would need to be preserved with the few living beings that inhabit it. And that would be my world.

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