Saturday, November 2, 2013

Welcome to PBF Caxias do Sul
Students' Blog!
by Laila Chris - pbf English Teacher

I am Brazilian and live to write. Laila is my first name, 38 years old is my age. I happened to have started a fiction book, back in 1999 that is still unfinished, and since then I have been trying to give a dynamic rythm to the story which seems to be endless. As I said, "seems to be". To my opinion, writing looks like complicated and it may even be, but we can't assume that without trying it.

Since writing is one of the tools I have to teach English (ah! I might've forgotten to say that I teach languages!), I insist to my students to write essays and short stories with topics previously assigned by me or free issues which may be related to their lives. I believe that if they start writing from their lives' matters, they'll get to find more elements to recognize vocabulary they know and sometimes seems to be not there. I find quite terrific results through their writings.

If you are trying to follow my thoughts, you may be asking yourself "what kind of blog will this be?" and I would like to give you a hand on that. Well, PBF is an acrynom that stands for Pink and Blue and FREEDOM. These are names for the very first and best Brazilian methodologies for teaching English to kids and teenagers in Brazil, it goes back to 1965 more exactly. There are about 250 PBF schools in Brazil. 

In Caxias do Sul, pbf school is located downtown on the main avenue called JULIO DE CASTILHOS, in LOURDES NEIGHBORHOOD, Caxias do Sul city, Brazil.  There the students can spend some time logging on the web, playing pool, table tennis, video games, chatting with the teachers, doing their homework, making friends for a lifetime, and definitely learning English and Spanish once and for all.

The purpose that these kids and young adults have to learn English are countless, however they all know that at this school, PBF - Pink and Blue/FREEDOM, they have got to acquire knowledge concerning both the spoken and the written aspects of the language. ESL studies are important for their future and even more important for their mental occupation.

Writing, most of the times is not a well-seen activity or not easily accepted by the general public. Therefore, we can't agree more that the best way to start loving writing is by actually giving it a try. We've thought this over and figured 'why not asking them to write entries regularly and publish them...', at least for a month, therefore I named this project: NOVEMBER BLOG.  During the month of November, Nicolle, Laura, Brenda, Arthur, Leo, and Gabriel will weekly publish post on random topics for you to read, obviously, in ENGLISH. And Laila, the teacher, will carefully proofread everything ;)

So, delight yourselves with these kids' and the teacher's posts. I am sure they have tried to do their best and make us even prouder of being their mentors. Hope they will find the way to give the right rythm to their writings.

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